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Top Trends on Marketing to Young Professionals

by Jessica Palm | Oct 08, 2015

At TeamKC we sell Kansas City’s lifestyle. Plugging in with more than 150 talent acquisition and HR teams in the region, we help tell the KC story alongside your company’s talent recruitment efforts.

ShareLikeBuyBut as you know, no candidate is the same. How we help you tell the KC story to each individual is critical in sealing the deal on why he or she picks your company and Kansas City.

For us, understanding what motivates people, what inspires them and what’s important to them, ensures we offer the right Kansas City information that resonates with your top talent.

To stay-in-the-know of the largest generation in today’s workforce, TeamKC attended Share. Like. Buy, one of the top conferences on marketing to millennials.

We came back with valuable research findings, case studies and trends on this generation, and below are a few key takeaways:

  • Authenticity

    Young professionals look for the insider’s perspective on living and working in a city, and they want to identify with a community they can genuinely connect with.

  • Tech Savvy
    With the expectation of innovation and a third of millennials using more than four devices per day, access to technology resources and infrastructure is a must-have on this generation’s checklist.

  • Diversity
    Gen Y has an inclusive mentality. One of the most ethnically and racially diverse generations, millennials expect cultural inclusion.

  • Storyliving
    The new storytelling, young professionals collect experiences instead of tangible things. They live for the experience, and flock to cities that offer lifestyle variety.

  • Options
    With 78 percent of millennials calling themselves “trendsetters” when it comes to food, and with young professionals eating out four times a week on average, it’s no surprise the food scene is critical for a millennial when selecting a community to live in.

To learn more about TeamKC and how it integrates these trends into its talent recruitment program, contact me


Leave a comment
  1. User | Sep 27, 2017
    Nice post
  2. Steven Angelina | Jan 21, 2017
    With the expectation of innovation and a third of millennials using more than four devices per day, access to technology resources and infrastructure is a must-have on this generation’s checklist.

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